Friday, June 8, 2018

Lisaimy Mallo, Class of 2012 Update 2

Hialeah Gardens High School prepared me for the greatest adventure I have emerged on: college- scratch that- LIFE! In the Fall of 2012 I attended University of Florida where not only did I get to shadow surgeries at Shands Hospital for four years, become a Teaching Assistant, engage in dystonia research, mentor at-risk youth, and become a member of a Greek organization, but I also had the opportunity of studying abroad for four months throughout Europe! After acquiring my Bachelors in Sociology, Minor in Leadership, and Pre-Medical track on May of 2016 I was accepted into FIU’s School of Social Work program. During my time as a graduate student I have worked alongside a multi-disciplinary team in Cleveland Clinic, FL where I have provided resources and support to oncology patients. Now attending my final internship before graduating in December of 2018, I am currently working with children ages 0 to 5 that may encounter developmental or behavioral concerns and providing strategies and support to identify areas of need and modify behaviors. Throughout my graduate career, I was awarded MSW Foundation Student Intern of the Year for my work at Cleveland Clinic, and recently became a recipient of an FIU Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) Fellowship funded through a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to further integrate social work, mental health, education, and other disciplines to take on a holistic approach when providing our patients quality care. I owe my success to the fantastic foundation I received and the high expectations that were set for me from professionals such as Dr. Algaze and Dr. Louis. My advice: love yourself, practice self-care, and be good to others. Happiness is not based on your accolades but on the difference you make in your community and other’s lives.

To read read about Lizzy's first update, click here.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Grethel Pavon, Class of 2016

Hey Gladiators! My name is Grethel Pavon, I graduated in the class of 2016, Summa Cum Laude. I can still remember the first day I walked into the school and it seemed like another world to me. Throughout those 4 years I worked my butt off taking a bunch of AICE and AP classes in order to get some college credits out of the way, and let me tell you I’m so glad I did. This allowed me to be one whole semester ahead, and it saved me around $3,000!
As of Fall 2018, I will be a junior at Florida International University, working on my Bachelor Degree in Biological Sciences with a pre-pharmacy track. I’m not going to lie to you, college is tough but I love it. No one is babying you, or forcing you to learn. It all on you. I enjoy this freedom because it motivates me to do good every semester even though the classes get tougher and tougher. I also just became a ChemPAL (Chemistry Peer Assister Learning) Preceptor, and I love it. Helping out students with chemistry and showing them it isn’t scary is one of the best feelings ever. I soon hope to become a TA for general chemistry 1 & 2, I can’t be more excited!
As you guys approach the college readiness season, I recommend to not leave everything for last minute! There are a bunch of admission deadlines and scholarship deadlines. It will catch up to you trust me. Also, your counselors and teachers will need time to proof-read your essays and to write any recommendation letters you may need. Most importantly remember to take a breather, it all gets pretty hectic, and you will become stressed, but don’t panic! Put everything down, watch a movie, listen to music, take a bubble bath and get back to it. Remember that thousands of Gladiators have gone through all those hardships and if they were able to accomplish it, you most certainly can. Last but not least, I want to wish you all the best of luck to you all in your high school endeavors and in your journey to college. Go Gladiators!